22 Feb 02 - Ill again... so another site update is in the works... Naaahh... Signed up with LiveJournal, go there to see what I'm up to! 22 Oct 01 - I got ill, so I finally got around to update the site slightly... 31 Dec 00 - Only one update in the second half of the year, but what an update! Check out Alyson Hannigan in the February 2001 issue of FHM UK right here. 8 July 00 - RL is interfering in a big way, OK? But I still managed to do some updates in the new millenium. Check out my TV section for more Buffy (& Roswell!) info. 30 Dec 99 - I now also have an
account at PhotoPoint! Click
on the PhotoPoint logo to see my photo
24 Oct 99 - Buffy is now on Thursday on BBC 2 at 19.45 and on Friday on Net5 at 19.35. The BBC also shows a late night uncut repeat on Sunday. More in my TV section. 1 May 99 - Buffy's on three times a week! Tuesday on Net5 at 19.20 and Wednesday and Thursday on BBC 2 at 19.45. More on Buffy in my TV section. 1 Mar 99 - The brand new channel Net5 will broadcast Buffy the Vampire Slayer, starting Tuesday March 2 at 19.20. More on Buffy in my brand new TV section. 11 Feb 99 - VCR alert!! Monique will be on television! Kaap de Goede Hoop (RVU) will feature Monique in the item The Female Touch. The program is broadcast on February 17 on Nederland 3, 21.24-21.51. Read further... 23 Jan 99 - A new TV Season has begun, bringing me a new favorite show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, every Wednesday at 19.45 (Dutch time) on BBC2. So, this means that I have to spent all Wednesday night in front of the TV and my VCR, because my other favorite show, The X-files, also shows on Wednesday. Read all about these and other shows in my brand new TV section. 7 Aug 98 - My cousin Monique Sommer has won the Intermediair/TSM Business School competition 1998. Check out her winning essay right here. To celebrate her victory I've added Monique to my gallery of Heroines. 5 Jul 98 - People who visit my site regularly (are there any?) will have noticed that the place seems to be in a turmoil... I've switched to a new ISP, and I'm trying hard to set up a brand new web site. During the reconstruction I will keep my site up, so come back often to see if something has changed. I also have a Web site at GeoCities. This site will be featuring Hiking and Backpacking trips in Scandinavia. I planned to put up a report describing my hiking tour in the National Parks Padjelanta and Sarek in Swedish Lapponia, but I haven't finished it yet due to lack of time. For the time being refer to the travel report my tent mate Roel Kusters wrote about this trip (in Dutch only). 2 August 1998
26 July 1998
20 June 1998
3 May 1998